We are pleased to announce that the FDA has cleared our new generation of MammoScreen which brings new components that will make this leading breast Artificial Intelligence (AI) an even more valuable resource throughout the breast screening workflow.
From that first version of the product, we added the combination of 2D and 3D and incorporated priors into our algorithm’s consideration. A powerful feature that is unmatched by competitors, priors enable us to deliver even more reliable results to our clients. This notably brings mammography AI to another level of specificity, and pertinent marking. When you’re looking for cancer you can’t lack confidence in your review. We remain at the forefront of this innovation and continue to look for ways to improve performance for you.
Another area where we have delivered on our promise is through integration. Our unique widget provides an intuitive and succinct notification to you for actionable decisions. Developed from feedback of our users, this unrivaled integration continues to prove that you’re saving time when reading with MammoScreen. Moreover, we have made deployment as easy as a sandbox that can be installed in hours, and remotely.
Today comes the next iteration of the long list of firsts from MammoScreen. In our opinion, we have developed the most robust and valuable breast AI available. Taking your feedback and workflow into consideration, our newest product delivers a comprehensive approach to reading mammography.
Now our software:
- Helps you organize your worklist by case complexity to adapt and read the harder cases when you feel it would be the most relevant.
- Provides a precheck of the screening data so you know the case is clear for review
- Evaluates the case with 1-10, green, yellow, red scoring taking into account both 2D and 3D images and priors.
- And, pre-populates a report for the case.
Specifically, our new software will take you from the:
- Selection of cases,
- Examination of patient history and image quality assessment,
- Suspicious findings, and no suspicious findings (green cases)
- Density assessment,
- Pre-reporting,
- And finish with management recommendations
This new standard in breast AI goes beyond acting as a safety net for radiologists; it enhances image quality, and standardizes reporting and follow-ups. This has significant potential to mitigate liability and standard requirements issues. Additionally, MammoScreen comes with a dashboard that allows administrators to monitor system performance and the associated benefits, such as efficiency gains.
Our commitment to managers is to streamline their practice, and our system uniquely enables the tracking of these improvements. Furthermore, our latest study demonstrated that MammoScreen reduced radiologist fatigue by 40%, which has a strong potential to prevent burnout—an issue that can disrupt the daily operations of a practice. Finally, this solution comes in a single, integrated installation, significantly reducing the IT team’s workload compared to managing multiple AI systems for mammography.
This is the only software available that can provide you with all of these resources in one installation. Our goal is never fully complete, as we will continue working on ways to enhance and encapsulate the mammography reading workflow. Now, we are proud to present this new version, cleared by the FDA, to you and your team.
We know you’ll love this as much as we do, and are proud to continue being the better at making you better than any other breast AI out there.