Increased Confidence
Trust the Score

Time Savings

Subtle Findings

Case Pre-Check
MammoScreen adds a layer of confidence that is unmatched by any other breast screening AI. With our Pre-Check feature, we provide clinical information review and an image quality analysis to alert you of any pertinent information before you review the case. Having this knowledge helps guide you even further as you examine the mammogram, and provide an added level of confidence in your decision making.
Worklist Management
When building MammoScreen, we took the feedback of radiologists into consideration. Specifically, many mentioned that they prefer to read difficult cases when they are fresh, and more common cases after a long day. With MammoScreen’s complexity index, we provide a guide on how difficult the case is. This can be integrated into your existing worklist.
Using a filterable option, you can choose the type of cases you read and review as desired. This feature, and others, allowed 85% of radiologists to report reduced fatigue when using MammoScreen*.
* Data on file from the most recent MRMC study, conducted for the latest 510(k) clearance [K240301]
Find More Cancer
With MammoScreen, radiologists are able to detect up to 53% of missed cancers*.
Want to see how we perform on your cases? Set up a retrospective study with us on your data.
*Data on file from last MRMC. Average number of FN cases detected while using MammoScreen.
Catch Cancer Earlier
In a study of more than 800k exams, MammoScreen caught 42% of visible cancers one year before diagnosis, and 38.5% of cancers two years before diagnosis*.
In the case example displayed here, the patient was diagnosed in 2015 with Stage 2A breast cancer, but had MammoScreen been used, the finding would have been identified on the screening two years prior.
Improve Breast Density Assessment
MammoScreen helps radiologists improve breast density assessment accuracy by 38%.*
*S. Pacile & al. Evaluation of a multi-instant multi-modal AI system supporting interpretive and noninterpretive functions. Accepted for publication in Journal of Breast Imaging, September 2024.