The MammoScreen Score
MammoScreen provides a quick and reliable confirmation on low and high suspicion cases, and what needs more attention.
The MammoScreen Score™ is calibrated so you can have high confidence in cases with high or low scores.
Benefits of the Score
Understanding the Score
Our understandable and powerful score is traceable from the lesion, to breast, to case.
Marking Display
Not all scoring systems are displayed the same way. You may be familiar with the screen pollution of a CAD or you may be concerned about markings.
Here is how MammoScreen looks:
Green Cases
By default, no markings are displayed on cases scored 1-4 in the “green” category.
The bottom left filter allows you to display scores in 3-4, or 1-2 if you would like to see findings.
Yellow and Red Cases
All findings that are scored 5 or higher will be shown.
You can still filter on to see if any other findings were discovered scored 4 or lower.
All Cases
For tomosynthesis studies, the magnified finding will list the slice number that the finding can be best viewed at.
When a finding is colocated on both views, it will have a matching color.
Circles identify lesions, triangles identify calcifications, and a triangle in a circle identifies a lesion and calcification.
Explore the Score
Click on the bar below to see how different cases are scored and displayed
No findings
Lowest suspicion
Low suspicion
Low suspicion
High suspicion
High suspicion
Highest suspicion